In Runalyze we offer you a flexible equipment management. With this equipment management you can do the following:
- Create your own equipment category
- Equipment categories must be assigned to specific sports (of course, you can select all)
- It can be defined whether a multiple or single choice for each activity is desired (e.g. multiple selection of clothes but only single selection of shoes)
- A (suggested) maximum distance or time can be assigned to the category (you will be warned when objects reach their expected end of life)
- Adding an equipment object
- Name and previous distance can be specified
- A start or end date of usage can be specified (such that selection of the object is limited to the specified period).
- Adding a note to the object
Create your own equipment category
You can create as many equipment categories as you like and assign them to different sports. To do this, go to Configuration –> Equipment in the upper menu of RUNALYZE:
To add new equipment to the categories simply click on the “+” icon. To edit the category, click on the pencil icon.
Click on “Add equipment category” to create a new category. A new form will open:
Most of the fields should be self-explanatory.
- Mode – Choose whether you would like to see only a drop down menu in the activity form (single choice), where you can assign only one equipment object to an activity, or whether you would like to assign several items of the category to one activity (multiple choice).
- Assigned sports – Specify the sports for which the equipment category can be used.
- max. Distance – Specify how many kilometers an equipment object in this category should be used at most. Benefit: Instead of time, the equipment panel displays the distance in the overview.
- max. Time – Instead of defining a maximum distance, you can also specify a maximum usage time (sum of activity duration).
Adding an equipment object
As with adding equipment categories, adding new equipment should not be a problem:
- Previous distance – If you have been using the object before tracking it with RUNALYZE, you can enter a previous distance that will be added to the object’s total distance.
- Start of use and end of use – To prevent the selection menu in the activity form from becoming too long, you can specify a start of use (e.g. purchase date) and an end of use (no longer active use) for each object.
Frequently Asked Questions / Frequent Problems
I’d like to see the distance on the equipment panel instead of the duration.
To do this, define a maximum distance in the equipment category of the corresponding piece of equipment. The distance is displayed in the panel instead of the time.
I’d like to change the equipment order in the activity form
You can change the order of the equipment in the activity form at Configuration > General Settings > Activity form > Sort: equipment to alphabetical or to the order in which you have entered them