At irregular intervals we would like to inform you about our latest improvements at RUNALYZE. These are the main changes since our last development update.
New Help Page
The priority of our help page has increased more and more lately. The old version ( redirects now to the help and support center that’s directly integrated and available via
Topics are now categorized and we have already added several new articles. A search function and the possibility to automatically translate certain articles will follow later.
The Glossary has been updated too.
Suunto App – Auto Sync
The Suunto Sync has been online for one month and has already proven itself with several hundred users. A “Full Import” will be added later.
Fitbit Auto Sync
The Fitbit Sync has been online for over a month now. There were several problems in the beginning with the Fitbit API, but now it seems to work.
Average active/resting values in lap details
We’ve added summary rows with average values for the resting (or inactive) laps to the detailed view of the laps.

Shape plot: new option “last 24 months”
You are now able to view the “last 24 months” in the shape plot.
Polar Full Import: specific period
We have added an option to the Polar Full Import that allows you to import only a certain period of time.
Emoji Support
Emojis can now be used for titles and comments of activities.
Language option in poster tool
We added an option to choose the language of the poster (only German or English in the moment).
Removal of the Garmin Communicator
The Garmin Communicator has finally been removed from RUNALYZE because it was no longer compatible with any up-to-date browser.
Parser Changes
- GPX: Improved sport type detection for runkeeper files
- FIT: Fix for stop events (only in rare cases)
Translation platform
The translation platform is currently disabled due to problems saving the translations. We are currently thinking about moving to a hosted translation platform, because maintaining the platform costs us too much time.
We still can’t say when “future” features will be released because support, bugfixes or other changes will come in between. Since these are mostly bigger changes, the testing effort is much bigger.
Nothing has changed here since the last update. We are still working on a refactored “Health” section. There will be some new data you will be able to store at RUNALYZE and some of the existing data will be managed separately. We don’t have a schedule for that feature yet. After we have released the refactored health section we will extend our API to allow external apps (like HealthFit) to write data to RUNALYZE.
The refactored section will then allow weight values to merge correctly with power values. Currently only the most current weight is used for those calculations.
Best regards
Hannes & Michael