The year 2016 is over and we have a little gimmick for you:
Our goal at RUNALYZE is to provide not only a good analysis of your activities, but also some gimmickry. We’ve created three posters for you based on your running data of 2016:
- A heatmap which shows all your running tracks of the past year
- A grid which shows each running track of the past year separated
- A calendar view which shows all days you ran
Just go to and download your poster (available until end of february).
The images are big enough to be printed as posters. We would be glad if you show us your prints!
For the moment, this is a one-off campaign, but we want to integrate it as tool directly in RUNALYZE (even for self hosted installations) until the end of the year, so that you can adjust the language, texts and choose year and sport.
If there are any problems with the generated posters or you have additional wishes for the future – just tell us at our forum.
The posters are based on the open-source project GpxTrackPoster by Florian Pigorsch. Thanks for that great piece of code!
We wish you a happy and successful year 2017!
Best regards
Hannes, Michael