RUNALYZE works with Fitbit now

RUNALYZE now works with Fitbit. The automatic synchronization with Fitbit allows you to transfer your activities from Fitbit to Runalyze without any effort. For the beginning it is only possible to transfer activities from Fitbit. Once we have refactored the health area, other data will also be transferable. FAQ Can I sync my Fitbit history to […]
Peaceful holiday & Preview 2019

Dear RUNALYZE users, before the Christmas stress – eating, running, eating, running, … – begins – we’d like to send you a little Christmas greeting. We have already presented our review of the year in last blogpost. Today we would like to say a few words before the year is finally over. Thank you for […]
Year in review 2018

2018 is almost the past again, but the year just passed us by. Looking back on the last 12 months, we are pleased to announce that we were able to implement a lot of new features at RUNALYZE. We would like to show you these again with a short review – perhaps you will also […]
Poster tool: more options and area selection

About two years ago we introduced our poster tool, which gives you the possibility to visualize your training data. Now, one of the most requested improvements is live: Limit the heatmap to a certain area. Heatmap for different area selection: everything on the left vs. 10 km radius on the right When requesting a heatmap […]
Runalyze Development Updates #5

At irregular intervals we would like to inform you about our latest improvements at RUNALYZE. These are the main changes since our last development update. New Features Training paces Even though there is already a long post on this subject, we would like to mention it here again. With the latest changes in RUNALYZE you not […]
Pace recommendations – Configure your own training paces

[Deutsche Version] If you follow a training plan, you will usually want to know one thing before a training run: At what speed do you want to run? The question of the right tempo is very important primarily for intervals and endurance runs, but also for easy runs or long runs. There are many different […]
Tutorial: Equipment Management

[Deutsche Version] In Runalyze we offer you a flexible equipment management. With this equipment management you can do the following: Create your own equipment category Equipment categories must be assigned to specific sports (of course, you can select all) It can be defined whether a multiple or single choice for each activity is desired (e.g. […]
New Social Sharing options

Although most of the changes we’ve made in the last few weeks only affected the backend of RUNALYZE, there is now one feature – which in the end has caused a bit more effort than it should have caused: We now provide social images for each training session with GPS data that can be perfectly […]
Runalyze Development Updates #4

At irregular intervals we would like to inform you about our latest improvements at RUNALYZE. These are the main changes since our last development update New Features Climb Score: Map Climb Score views include a map to identify where a specific climb was. When clicking on a climb to view its detailed profile the map […]
New: Dynamic histograms

After a short beta test, our new histogram feature is now available for all users. This replaces in particular the old diagrams for the weekly and monthly kilometres. Meanwhile, the new histograms are much more powerful and can be dynamically adjusted. The tool also allows evaluation by tags (which day was used how often or […]