Changelog of RUNALYZE

We develop each day on RUNALYZE. We do not write for every change, small features and bugfixes tweets, posts on Facebook, Instagram or on the blog. Therefore we added a changelog to RUNALYZE some time ago, which is worth visiting regularly. Follow this link for the Changlog or use this Link for the Changelog in […]
Running Power for everyone

Probably we all know the discussions about the right training control: Should I look at heart rate, pace or power? The discussions will probably go on for a long time and everyone has their point of view. We at RUNALYZE also have a clear point of view: we don’t try to give you a particular […]
Rate your training with Subjective Feeling

Besides the evaluation of the training with the RPE value (Rate of Perceived Exertion) there is now another possibility to evaluate the training: Subjective Feeling. What’s the difference? Let’s say you’re doing an interval session. On the RPE scale of 6-20 the training can be very hard (e.g. a value of 17), but you didn’t […]
Gradient distribution in climb score view

Only recently we added mouseover information to the Climb Score diagrams and the next improvement follows: The gradient histogram, which was actually planned from the beginning but was not implemented for time reasons so far. Now it’s finally here: Below the map view a histogram with the distribution of the gradient percentages is shown. Also […]
Migration to new Garmin API

New Garmin API! Admittedly, this change also came very suddenly for us, but we had to decide and migrate quickly to the new API from Garmin. Tltr: All users connected to the previous Garmin API are asked to migrate to the new Garmin API. The old API will no longer be available by the end […]
All Stryd Metrics supported

Finally we support all Stryd Metrics. The metrics are stored for all activities imported since 30 May. Power values have always been supported, but now Leg Spring Stiffness and Form Power are also imported and saved. Power nevertheless has no effect on our calculations. We know that power is and will be a pretty important […]
Support for Cycling Dynamics

As announced, the recent update enables us to recognize and integrate new sensor data much faster. We now support the numerous “Cycling Dynamics” from FIT files, which are recorded by a Garmin Vector, Favero Assioma or equivalent power meters in cycling. Activity View In the activity view you can now see the Left Right Balance, […]
Our major background migration

Over the past few months, we have been working on a major internal changeover. When we started programming RUNALYZE several years ago, it was intended for a single user only – only afterwards did we make multi-user operation possible. It now runs very smoothly, but the data storage was not optimized for the large amounts […]
Runalyze Development Updates #6

At irregular intervals we would like to inform you about our latest improvements at RUNALYZE. These are the main changes since our last development update. Changes New Help Page The priority of our help page has increased more and more lately. The old version ( redirects now to the help and support center that’s directly integrated […]
Here we go! Suunto Auto Sync

The time has finally come! In the last weeks you were already impatient and the question when the Suunto Sync will finally go online has reached us several times. Now we can finally say: It’ live! Suunto users can connect their RUNALYZE account with the Suunto App now! We are proud to say that we are […]